Archive for the 'baby life' Category

May 04

baby wyatt’s first days

Wyatt Isaiah Burns was born May 1, 2013 at 10:16pm. Clocking in at 6 lbs. 9 ounces, and 19 1/4″ long. That’s 3 ounces heavier than Eli, and a 1/4 inch longer, for those keeping track at home. The first few days have been wonderful, and Wyatt has adjusted well to the outside world… I […]

Mar 05

eli’s clubhouse

Eli’s new car seat came in a box – a fairly decent sized box. What does any kid do with a new box? He makes a fort out of it. Of course, Eli isn’t capable of making forts yet so mom and dad helped him. His new car seat box clubhouse is one of his […]

Feb 03

eli’s birthday bash

We had a fun weekend celebrating Eli’s birthday with family and friends. Thanks to everyone who helped us remember Eli’s first year and for all the love and support you’ve shared with us over the last 12 months. One of Eli’s favorite books that he has loved since he was just a little guy is […]

Jan 26

happy birthday eli!! a year in review…

As I’m sitting here writing this tonight I’m remembering that exactly 1 year ago to the minute I was running around the house like a madman throwing things in the car while this was going on upstairs. Looking back, in that moment, I could not have imagined that Elijah was less than an hour of […]

Jan 25

how big is eli?

Well of course, so big! Eli shows everyone how big he is while his cousin Cole applauds his efforts. If you can’t see the video, click here to watch.

Jan 11

the stocking

More Christmas pictures to come soon but… When Eli arrived at Grandpa & Grandma Burns’s house for Christmas, this is the stocking that greeted him. Needless to say, the other children suffered severe fits of jealousy. ** Note to others suffering severe fits of Christmas jealousy… most of that was tissue paper filler. **

Nov 15

swinging with ella and lucy

Last week Eli and I went to the park to meet up with our small friends Lucy and Ella (along with their very not small dad, Jeff). Steph has been taking Eli to the park to swing for weeks now, but this was my first time there alone with him. Steph spent the evening with […]

Nov 12

best friends

In Eli’s small world, his best friend is his kitty Lucy. After the initial excitement of mom and dad coming to get him in the morning passes, he immediately starts looking for his furry little friend. Usually after we get him changed in the morning we take him back to our bathroom, where Lucy is […]

Oct 15

petting zoo

Steph and I love to see the elephants, giraffes and other big animals at the zoo. But those zoo people had their thinking caps on when they also included a petting zoo at the Nashville Zoo – the kids love it! There you can get up close and personal with those rarest of all barnyard […]

Jun 29

a trip to the zoo

Steph and Eli go to the zoo, watch the elephants, and pester the meerkats.

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