Archive for the tag 'Elijah Cash'

Oct 15

petting zoo

Steph and I love to see the elephants, giraffes and other big animals at the zoo. But those zoo people had their thinking caps on when they also included a petting zoo at the Nashville Zoo – the kids love it! There you can get up close and personal with those rarest of all barnyard […]

Oct 13

cassie’s wedding

This past weekend our good friend Cassie got married and moved away to Ohio. Sad news for us, but we’re happy for Cassie, and it was a wonderful wedding on a beautiful October afternoon. It had to be a great day because, well, they got married on our anniversary! Steph was Cassie’s Matron of Honor, […]

Aug 28

shopping with mom

Eli is now able to sit up well enough on his own that he has graduated to riding in the child’s seat of shopping carts at stores (or “buggy”, as the Southerners say). Here he is on a little jaunt to Target this week.

Aug 04

sitting up

So this little man is sitting up now, all on his own. Well, mostly on his own. He gets a little topsy after he’s been sitting for a while and forgets he doesn’t have anything holding him up. We’ve learned to pile giant stuffed animals directly behind him in the event he gets a little out of control.

Aug 03


I’m no psychiatrist, but does this qualify as bipolar?

Aug 02

financial y2k

Well, it would seem that the fear of a financial meltdown in Washington D.C. has come and gone. But just in case things took a turn for the worse this morning, we were ready.

Jul 20

eli’s first swimming experience

We took our first plunge today into the pool with Eli! He has loved bathtime for months, so we figured hitting up the swimming pool wouldn’t be a huge transition. We thought he would take right to kicking and laughing (like he does in the tub), and that he would be a little Michael Phelps […]

Jul 11

minnesota trip recap

A few weeks ago we returned from a marathon 23 day trip to Minnesota and Wisconsin to visit family and catch up with friends. It was Eli’s first time out of the state, his first road trip and many other firsts which are probably too numerous to mention. It was a blast seeing everyone and […]

Jun 29

a trip to the zoo

Steph and Eli go to the zoo, watch the elephants, and pester the meerkats.

Jun 29

oh by the way, we had a baby…

Yes, you know we had a baby. I’m happy to announce that we did actually get Eli’s birth announcements out to family members before he turned six months old. Our dear friend Meg took some fantastic newborn pictures of Eli when he was just a couple weeks old. We had been holding off on posting […]

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